Safe flatbed cargo securement prevents accidents or bad scenarios from happening on the road. A ‘bad scenario’ could be lost cargo, collisions, or even bodily injury. It’s no secret that there have been many catastrophic failures – some leading to death – when it comes…
read morePart 2 is here! We are talking about some essential tools that every System Transport Flatbed driver needs. Here’s part 2 of our ongoing series, “Essential Tools for Truck Drivers on the Road.” Spare Cell Phone Instead of throwing away an old cell phone you…
read moreMany flatbedders drive at night – whether it’s before the sun comes up or after the sun sets, there are no DOT rules that govern the time of day that a flatbedder can drive. There’s no doubt as the days get shorter in winter months,…
read moreFall is here! That means making sure your truck is stocked with some essential tools that every System Transport Flatbed driver needs. Here’s part 1 of our ongoing series, Essential Tools for Truck Drivers on the Road. Large water jug with dispenser for drinking water…
read moreLife on the road can be challenging, but there are some simple ways to offset its effects. Making good health decisions and maneuvering the open road is a lot to balance for truck drivers. Poor health decisions for Over-the-road and Regional route flatbed truck drivers…
read moreAs we enter the fall season, truck drivers across the country are making important adjustments to their rigs and driving habits. To stay safe during the fall season, flatbed drivers should understand the following hazards and check out the Fall Driving Tips for Flatbed Drivers.…
read moreSystem Transport Flatbeds are extremely versatile and can carry almost any load type from concrete blocks to mobile homes, machines, lumber or even planes! As a System Transport flatbed truck driver, you will protect your loads with a suitable tarp. System Transport provides all company…
read morePassing a DOT inspection is a regular event in the life of a professional truck driver. However, a failed inspection will cost you on average $851, excluding fines and repair expenses. And that cost can go up – way up. If the inspection results in…
read moreProfessional truck drivers didn’t start as “professionals.” From Day One of their truck driving training they had to learn that the truck is really an extension of the man or woman behind the wheel, and that what happens on their watch is their responsibility. Driver…
read moreBacking a commercial tractor and trailer is one of the most dangerous maneuvers a truck driver will ever be asked to do. Roughly 15% of all professional truck driving accidents occur while backing, and backing accidents are almost always preventable. System Transport is committed to…
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